What Makes Video So Effective?
Videos are everywhere these days. People are glued to their screens, watching, taking, and sharing videos.
What, exactly, makes the medium so enticing? And why do videos work so well as part of an overall marketing strategy?
Let’s take a look at some recent studies, and what the industry leaders are saying about the value of video content.
Video is Engaging
The average internet user spends 88% more time on a site with video. (source)
Case and point, people love watching videos. It’s a simple fact. The experience that video provides, combining visual content with audio content, is more engaging than any other medium.
And what’s the only thing people love more than watching videos? Watching them with other people.
92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others. (source)
You can be sure of this – there’s nothing more thrilling in the marketing profession, than to see your content being shared and promoted by thousands of people you don’t employ.
Video Is Informative
You’ve heard the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Well, Forrester estimates that 1 minute of video is the equivalent to 1.8 million words, which is just a few words more than a simple image.
It’s no wonder more and more people are taking advantage of video’s ability to communicate a message clearly and efficiently. Almost any product or service can be explained effectively in just a few minutes, using video.
Not only can you expel more information with video, you can control the speed in which the viewer digests it. Whereas text and static infographics are consumed at the pace of the reader, video is consumed by everyone in the same amount of time – the length of your edit.
Video Is Persuasive
Using a well-crafted video to help sell your product is like having the world’s best salesmen working for you 24/7.
After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online. (source)
Studies from Adobe found buyers 1.8x more likely to purchase after watching a video.
Even your best salespeople have off-days. But guess who’s consistent in crushing sales goals? Your rigid fleet of oh-so-persuasive videos. There’s something about them that makes people take action.
After watching a video, 65% of executives visit the marketer’s website and 39% give the vendor a call. (source)
Video Is In-Demand
One-third of all online activity is spent watching video. (source)
Let that sink in for moment.
YouTube users alone, according to the video-hosting giant, watch more than 3 billion hours of video each month.
Video is clearly in high demand right now. But, brace yourself, because it’s still on the rise.
74% of all internet traffic will be video in 2017. (source)
For those behind the curve, if there was ever a time to start implementing video into your marketing strategy, it’s now.
Need some help? Grab your copy of our FREE ebook: The Missing Link in Your Marketing Strategy – Maximize ROI With Video Content.