Who missed the Q1 Twin Cities HubSpot User Group Meetup?
As many of you know, we had a fairly major snow storm on Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning. As co-organizers of the Twin Cities HubSpot User Group, our team at Denamico was conflicted about whether we should cancel the event or proceed. Because our speaker, HubSpot's David Weinhaus, was able to successfully fly from Boston to MSP, we decided the show must go on.
We are so thankful that for many local HubSpotters, the reaction to the weather was "snow SCHMOW." They battled ice-covered cars, unplowed roads, continuing snow, and even construction. We saw a great presentation and were thrilled to see everyone arrive safely even though we missed those of you who (understandably) couldn't make it.
Many of you have emailed me requesting video and/or slides from the presentation and I will definitely send both to all registrants as soon as I receive them from our presenters and videographer.
In the meantime, however, I wanted to share a summary for those of you who weren't able to join:
The topic du jour was sales enablement. David worked in corporate marketing for UPS and now embraces his love of sales as Manager on HubSpot's Agency Growth Team where he teaches others how to sell.
In his presentation, he laid out the three top problems salespeople face and some solutions marketers can implement to help them. Here were our takeaways:
The top three problems salespeople have:
“I need more qualified leads.”
“I don’t have the time to follow up with leads.”
"I spend too much time creating materials for sales proposals, presentations, etc."
How marketers can help:
Use the language of sales reps while suggesting tactics. Avoid marketing language.
Take them out for a beer, buy them a breakfast sandwich, do something extra to pick their brain. These conversations will give provide you with valuable work.
- Sit in on sales meetings on a monthly basis. Learn more about their friction points to produce better ways for them to utilize marketing efforts.
Enhance their LinkedIn profiles by bringing in a photographer to snap professional headshots.
Create personalized landing pages for your sales reps detailing their bio, what they can offer, and additional useful information for prospects. These pages are extra effective if they include a personal message from the rep and their headshot.
Have them update their email signatures with links to their LinkedIn profile and their personalized landing page.
Prepare internal hot lead notifications for your reps when a lead has ended a nurturing cycle that initiated with a “I’m interested, but it’s just not the right time” conversation.
Organize content for sales reps to easily access and modify.
Create content that is difficult to produce (that sales reps can’t create on their own) such as video content and case studies.
To wrap up, if you registered for yesterday's HUG, stay tuned for my email with slides/video. Special thanks to Matt Greener of App Data Room for your additional presentation and Tim Lewis of Mastcom for filming. If you're interested in attending the next HubSpot User Group Meetup, join us at the Media Junction Office on Wednesday, May 4th from 9-11am. You can register here and/or follow the Twin Cities HUG on LinkedIn for more info on all upcoming meetups.