How to Get Started with Content Marketing According to Marcus Sheridan [VIDEO]
Recently, our friend and inbound marketing evangelist, Marcus Sheridan, stopped by our office to do a workshop with one of our clients. While he was here, we took the opportunity to ask him some of the questions we hear most often when talking with business owners and marketing managers. One of the first questions that came up was a common one that we hear all the time from our prospects and customers:
"How do I get started with content marketing?"
It's a good question. Marcus boils content marketing down very simply. He was famously featured in a New York Times article with the tongue-in-cheek yet wonderfully straightforward headline: "A Revolutionary Marketing Strategy: Answer Customers' Questions."
It's that simple. Answer customers' questions online.
In the video below, Marcus recommends one easy way to get started with content. Round up your marketing, sales, and service teams (anyone who interacts with prospects and customers) and for 30 minutes, ask them to list the questions they hear every day. Once you've compiled a list of questions, write questions and the answers on your blog. Not only does this have the potential to generate topic ideas for up to one year, it will also generate company-wide excitement about your content efforts and help align your teams around your customers' needs.
Watch for more here:
Who is Marcus Sheridan?
Today Marcus Sheridan is a highly sought-after international keynote speaker known for his unique ability to excite, engage and motivate live audiences with his simple, yet powerful transformational business approach.
Click here to watch Marcus Sheridan's last video answer on sharing your "secret sauce" or download our inbound marketing resource pack for more help jump-starting your marketing.
Image by Oscar Rethwill via flickr, licensed under CC by 2.0